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Rasmussen: ALTERNA Vented Fire Balls - 24in

The Rasmussen Alterna Vented Fireplace Ball Set will bring popular modern design to your single sided fireplace. This set comes complete with FireBalls and a vented free burner. With three sizes to choose from, burner finishes and ignition options you can customize this set to meet your needs and match your decor!

The black finish burner pan will fade into the background while accentuating the objects and the flame and the stainless steel will provide a contrast to a darkened fireplace, giving a more contemporary look. Each set is colored with a ceramic stain that produces a transparent, non-uniform appearance as it absorbs into the material’s pores, thus enhancing the uniqueness of this set. The ceramic stain will not burn away and will age gracefully.

•Set sizes: 20 inch, 24 inch and 30 inch
•Ceramic bonded refractory concrete
•4 inch diameter uniform FireBalls
•Ceramic stain coloring

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